I have been a professional medium for over 25 years, giving both one-to-one readings and on platform throughout the UK in spiritual churches and other events.
For me, it all began at the age of five. Whilst in hospital having my tonsils removed, I had a very vivid dream of my Father being taken up to heaven by two angels blowing trumpets. He died that night, at the age of 42.
For nearly 20 years I have taught The ‘Mechanics of Mediumship’ alongside workshops, lectures, and demonstration at the prestigious College of Psychic Studies in South Kensington. I teach my students the disciplines required in mediumship and utilise their abilities to become a great medium.
Most of my student have gone on to be wonderful mediums, who give accurate readings and teach.
Over the years this very special gift has allowed me to give messages that have left me in the wonder of spirit. It’s amazing how precise our loved ones can be when communicating a message from the other side.
I do believe that mediumship should be very matter of fact and it is important to bring in all the small details that matter so much when giving a reading including:
– Names
– Places
– Likes and dislikes
– Birthdays
– Description
– Other information that would be known to the sitter.
This profound experience certainly shaped the rest of my life and as I continued to have similar insights, I realised this was to be my journey and purpose in this lifetime.
I am grateful for an ability that’s brought countless people comfort and joy, helped many believe in life after death but more importantly know that their loved ones are still very much with them and that a message from them brings them joy and peace at that moment.